My little skating diva has been very busy the last few weeks. After much agony and heartbreak she made the decision to change her coach. It was a great decision for her to make, but it was hard because her original coach was also her first group class instructor. Unfortunately my work schedule and her brother's medical schedule make us a fairly inflexible group and after years of her coach being a little late to extremely late for my child's lessons and lots and lots of miscommunication and tears, my ice diva pulled the plug. Luckily, I had been paying attention to the coaches in our area and already knew I wanted to add a second coach. Her coach of choice is now her coach, and the two of them are like peas in a pod. This coach is not only technically great, but very patient with little kids, and important in our family, on time.
So this makes me wonder, how do other parent's pick a coach? Do you care about PSA? Is timeliness important, or is it the cost?
My daughter still loves her original coach, but she is happier with her new coach. One of the things I like about the new coach is that she is giving advice on what to work on off ice, and created a training plan for my child. I greatly appreciate this because I can only afford so many lessons a week and I want to make sure she knows what to work on to help her accomplish her dreams.
My daughter competed in her second USFSA competition of the season this last weekend, spring preview. She was recalled. It was a first for her, and it was nice to see all that hard work pay off. Now of course she wants to win a recall award, but as a newly minted eight year old she does not yet grasp the work involved in that :)
Next event, Crystalline Classic!